vineri, 26 aprilie 2013


Well, back in center of Bucharest :), or better said of its edges forgotten by the world :)) ... another monologue. Why the subject is personality?
Well because I noticed that a large part of Bucharest. all teenagers are deprived of its own personality most try to look what sunt.pentru not to form. But what actually looks not ever want to be well we've all been there :).

What say let's start with a definition: Personality: What its stand, characteristic of each person and distinguished as individuality, the definition insensitive of dictionary.
Let me tell you how it works and will not present all known definitions on all sites.

Personality is that someone on the inside that says: "That's not what you need", "Do not do that ...", "uuuuu what nice guy," or "What good is this ..." is what I always wanted to be, is our way of thinking. Personality is exhibited by: how to talk, clothing style (and I do not mean clean / dirty), but especially by customs, gossip, calm nerves, tears, lack of integration, fear, praise (not necessarily of self) and especially 'behavior. than others. these are the things that characterize us.
And again a small example:There is a person, a best friend who I believe has a wonderful personality, albeit with a few flaws, but the biggest flaw is that it always incearaca look. all else around it,although he wants to do fears are not excluded, is not simply marginalized.And have people around her that feels good sometimes and sometimes not. It is kind of person who always tries to find something good in everyone,but for the sake of friends listen and says nasty things they say some. Well that's not good. Do not be afraid to show your true personality, should not be afraid to show the world who you really are.
Learn to accept yourself and will accept everyone.

The Blue Princess

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